A simple way to make your stacking personal to you. April babies, look to your crystal quartz or diamond birthstones – or Aries and Taurus zodiac styles.
27 Mar 2024
They say time is a healer, but if you need some speed look to this nourishing birthstone. Searching for a solid gold upgrade? Diamonds are your month's best friend too.
April symbolizes renewal, with the arrival of spring bringing optimism and fresh beginnings. While crystal quartz, April's versatile birthstone, symbolizes clarity, amplifying energy, and cleansing negativity. It's believed to enhance spiritual growth and facilitate mental focus.
April not your month? Or maybe you've been so inspired you want to spread the good vibes? Give your month a whole new meaning with zodiac jewelry that bring all the good energy.
January - Garnet for love.
February - Amethyst for purity.
March - Aqua chalcedony for harmony.
April -Crystal quartz for healing.
May -Green chalcedony for purity.
June -Rainbow moonstone for new beginnings.
July -Ruby for protection and prosperity.
August -Peridot for balance.
September -Lapis for strength and courage.
October -Pink tourmaline for love and compassion.
November -Citrine for attracting prosperity and success.
December -Turquoise magnesite for calming.
What are April's Other Birthstones?
Aside from crystal quartz, April babies can look to diamonds and white sapphires as their month's best friend. Diamonds are forever, yes – but they also symbolise eternal love, strength, and clarity of mind, making them the ultimate choice for promise, eternity, and engagement rings. White sapphires represent wisdom and spiritual insight (we'll have some of that, please).
The April Diamond Edit
For those big milestone birthdays, or just an excuse to treat yourself. Get acquainted with April's other birthstone, diamonds, through our forever 14k solid gold pieces.
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